Home > Listing of Viewable PTMT Reports > NAICS Report Table of Contents > Table of Contents for This Set of Tables
- this report was created with support from the National Science Foundation -
Listing of Ownership Categories For
or More Utility Patents During the Period
Having Primary Classification Corresponding To
NAICS Classification 3251
Basic Chemicals
( North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) classification is determined by
the primary U.S. Patent Classification System (USPC) patent classification and a USPC to NAICS concordance - see 'Explanation of Data' )
( this Fractional Counts report proportionally distributes a patent across each matched industry -- see 'Explanation of Data' )
( * in Fractional Counts tables, counts are rounded)
Counts | Sequence ID | NAICS Classification | Classification Title | (U.S. or Foreign) | Assignment ID | Ownership Category | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | Total |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (U.S. Ownership) | 2 | U.S. CORPORATION | 2606 | 2636 | 3130 | 3074 | 3197 | 14643 |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (U.S. Ownership) | 4 | U.S. INDIVIDUAL | 74 | 69 | 130 | 150 | 146 | 569 |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (U.S. Ownership) | 6 | U.S. GOVERNMENT | 59 | 60 | 63 | 67 | 69 | 317 |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (U.S. Ownership) | -- Subtotal -- | 2738 | 2765 | 3323 | 3291 | 3412 | 15529 | |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (Foreign Ownership) | 3 | FOREIGN CORPORATION | 2583 | 2739 | 3399 | 3439 | 3714 | 15873 |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (Foreign Ownership) | 5 | FOREIGN INDIVIDUAL | 74 | 60 | 94 | 84 | 99 | 410 |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (Foreign Ownership) | 7 | FOREIGN GOVERNMENT | 1 | 11 | 20 | 16 | 16 | 63 |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (Foreign Ownership) | -- Subtotal -- | 2657 | 2809 | 3512 | 3539 | 3828 | 16346 | |
Frac / YoG | 07 | 3251 | Basic Chemicals | (ALL Ownership) | A | All Ownership Categories | 5396 | 5573 | 6835 | 6830 | 7240 | 31874 |
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Home > Listing of Viewable PTMT Reports > NAICS Report Table of Contents > Table of Contents for This Set of Tables