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Patent Technology Monitoring Division (PTMD)


(document dated 4-MAR-2004)

In calendar year 2003, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted a record number of patent documents including 169,028 utility, 16,574 design, 994 plant, and 421 reissue patents, and 36 statutory invention registrations for a total of 187,053 patent documents for the year. Annual grants of all patent documents increased by 1.4 percent over the total for calendar year 2002 (184,427 grants in 2002). Calendar year 2003 grants of utility patents ('patents for inventions') numbered 169,028, a 1.0 percent increase over the total for 2002 (167,333).

In 2003, the share of all patents that were issued to U.S.-resident inventors was 52.7 percent, the same percent as the U.S. share for 2002. California-resident inventors claimed a 22.4 percent share (22,079 patents) of these U.S.- resident inventor patents, followed by resident inventors from New York (7.0 percent, 6,921 patents), Texas (6.5 percent, 6,378 patents), Michigan (4.3 percent, 4,220 patents), Massachusetts (4.3 percent, 4192 patents), Illinois (4.0 percent, 3,964 patents), New Jersey (4.0 percent, 3,923 patents) and Ohio (3.9 percent, 3,894 patents). U.S.- resident inventors of the following areas had large percentage increases in patent receipts from 2002 to 2003: Wyoming, Puerto Rico, Nevada, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Washington, Florida and Massachusetts.

There were 16,895 patents granted to U.S. independent inventors in 2003, down from the 2002 count of U.S. independent inventor patents (17,495). The independent inventor share of all patents issued to U.S.-resident inventors dropped to 17.1 percent in 2003 from a 18.0 percent share in 2002.

Foreign-resident inventors claimed a 47.3 percent share of all U.S. patents issued in 2003. The share of all U.S. patents that were issued to Japan-resident inventors in calendar year 2003 was 19.9 percent, up from 19.7 percent in 2002. The 2003 share of U.S. patents that were issued to Germany-resident inventors was 6.5 percent, the same share as in 2002.

In calendar year 2003, South Korea moved ahead of France and United Kingdom into fourth position among foreign countries whose residents patented in the United States. Countries with large percentage increases in annual patent receipts for 2003 include Turkey, Brazil, Hungary, Czech Republic, India, Philippines and Ireland.

The eleven foreign countries whose residents received the most U.S. patents during calendar year 2003 are displayed in the table below. Following the table is a detail table that lists states and countries and the percentage change in patenting by their residents from 2002 to 2003.

This table displays the eleven foreign countries whose residents received the most U.S. patents during calendar year 2003. Figures for the United States and for all countries overall are listed at the end of the table.
in 2003
of Patents
in 2003
Share of
All Patents
in 2003
Country * (Rank
in 2002)
of patents
in 2002)
(2002 to 2003)
(Change in Number
of patents
1 37,250 19.9% Japan (1) (36,340) ( 2.5% )
2 12,140 6.5% Germany (2) (11,957) ( 1.5% )
3 6,676 3.6% Taiwan (3) (6,730) ( -0.8% )
4 4,132 2.2% South Korea (6) (4,009) ( 3.1% )
5 4,127 2.2% France (4) (4,421) ( -6.7% )
6 4,031 2.2% United Kingdom (5) (4,196) ( -3.9% )
7 3,893 2.1% Canada (7) (3,857) ( 0.9% )
8 2,022 1.1% Italy (8) (1,962) ( 3.1% )
9 1,629 0.9% Sweden (9) (1,824) (-10.7% )
10 1,570 0.8% Netherlands (10) (1,681) ( -6.6% )
11 1,433 0.8% Switzerland (11) (1,532) ( -6.5% )
  98,598 52.7% United States   (97,127) ( 1.5% )
  187,054 100.0% All Countries  (184,427) ( 1.4% )


Counts were revised March 4 to reflect late patent withdrawal information.
Counts include utility, design, plant, and reissue patents, and statutory invention registrations.

* Please note that the country of origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor.

Annual Percentage Change in Patent Counts
By U.S. State and Country of Origin *
Calendar Year 2002 to 2003

This table displays states and countries of origin * along with the annual percentage change in patent counts (including utility, design, plant, and reissue patents, and statutory invention registractions) from calendar year 2002 to 2003. U.S. and foreign totals are displayed at the end of each corresponding section of the table. U.S., foreign, and overall totals are displayed at the end of the table.
State or Country * Number
of Patents
in 2002
of Patents
in 2003
of Patents
in 2002-2003
Annual Percent
ALABAMA 441 459 900 4.10%
ALASKA 50 43 93 -14.00%
ARIZONA 1700 1714 3414 0.80%
ARKANSAS 213 176 389 -17.40%
CALIFORNIA 21236 22079 43315 4.00%
COLORADO 2130 2304 4434 8.20%
CONNECTICUT 1991 1844 3835 -7.40%
DELAWARE 385 372 757 -3.40%
FLORIDA 2854 3119 5973 9.30%
GEORGIA 1532 1537 3069 0.30%
HAWAII 91 96 187 5.50%
IDAHO 1877 1850 3727 -1.40%
ILLINOIS 3937 3964 7901 0.70%
INDIANA 1745 1679 3424 -3.80%
IOWA 681 711 1392 4.40%
KANSAS 503 491 994 -2.40%
KENTUCKY 496 495 991 -0.20%
LOUISIANA 484 439 923 -9.30%
MAINE 168 165 333 -1.80%
MARYLAND 1612 1579 3191 -2.00%
MASSACHUSETTS 3837 4192 8029 9.30%
MICHIGAN 4235 4220 8455 -0.40%
MINNESOTA 2976 3262 6238 9.60%
MISSISSIPPI 180 184 364 2.20%
MISSOURI 962 946 1908 -1.70%
MONTANA 152 125 277 -17.80%
NEBRASKA 248 240 488 -3.20%
NEVADA 368 455 823 23.60%
NEW HAMPSHIRE 657 731 1388 11.30%
NEW JERSEY 4097 3923 8020 -4.20%
NEW MEXICO 388 405 793 4.40%
NEW YORK 7075 6921 13996 -2.20%
NORTH CAROLINA 2141 2174 4315 1.50%
NORTH DAKOTA 86 62 148 -27.90%
OHIO 3973 3894 7867 -2.00%
OKLAHOMA 518 563 1081 8.70%
OREGON 1716 1867 3583 8.80%
PENNSYLVANIA 3642 3555 7197 -2.40%
RHODE ISLAND 311 325 636 4.50%
SOUTH CAROLINA 711 650 1361 -8.60%
SOUTH DAKOTA 90 89 179 -1.10%
TENNESSEE 1003 975 1978 -2.80%
TEXAS 6341 6378 12719 0.60%
UTAH 747 724 1471 -3.10%
VERMONT 509 465 974 -8.60%
VIRGINIA 1302 1250 2552 -4.00%
WASHINGTON 2300 2516 4816 9.40%
WEST VIRGINIA 166 141 307 -15.10%
WISCONSIN 2119 2082 4201 -1.70%
WYOMING 61 84 145 37.70%
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 65 50 115 -23.10%
GUAM 2 0 2 -100.00%
PUERTO RICO 22 29 51 31.80%
UNITED STATES 0 2 2 No 2002 Patents
VIRGIN (U.S.) ISLANDS 1 3 4 200.00%
U.S. TOTALS 97127 98598 195725 1.50%
ANDORRA 1 1 2 0.00%
ARAB EMIRATES 6 3 9 -50.00%
ARGENTINA 58 70 128 20.70%
ARMENIA 1 2 3 100.00%
AUSTRALIA 992 1047 2039 5.50%
AUSTRIA 559 639 1198 14.30%
AZERBAIJAN 0 1 1 No 2002 Patents
THE BAHAMAS 13 11 24 -15.40%
BANGLADESH 0 1 1 No 2002 Patents
BARBADOS 4 2 6 -50.00%
BELARUS 2 5 7 150.00%
BELGIUM 801 727 1528 -9.20%
BERMUDA 5 8 13 60.00%
BOLIVIA 1 0 1 -100.00%
BRAZIL 112 180 292 60.70%
BULGARIA 3 11 14 266.70%
CANADA 3857 3893 7750 0.90%
CAYMAN ISLANDS 12 6 18 -50.00%
CHILE 13 15 28 15.40%
CHINA,HONG KONG S.A.R. 589 681 1270 15.60%
CHINA P.REP. 390 424 814 8.70%
COLOMBIA 8 11 19 37.50%
COSTA RICA 8 10 18 25.00%
CROATIA 12 13 25 8.30%
CUBA 9 7 16 -22.20%
CYPRUS 1 0 1 -100.00%
CZECH REPUBLIC 29 43 72 48.30%
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 2 1 3 -50.00%
DENMARK 559 611 1170 9.30%
DOMINICAN REPL. 1 0 1 -100.00%
ECUADOR 0 5 5 No 2002 Patents
EGYPT 5 6 11 20.00%
EL SALVADOR 0 1 1 No 2002 Patents
ESTONIA 6 3 9 -50.00%
FIJI 1 3 4 200.00%
FINLAND 856 944 1800 10.40%
FR. POLYNESIA 1 0 1 -100.00%
FRANCE 4421 4127 8548 -6.70%
GEORGIA (REPUBLIC OF) 5 1 6 -80.00%
GERMANY 11957 12140 24097 1.50%
GREECE 22 23 45 4.50%
GUATEMALA 5 3 8 -40.00%
HONDURAS 2 1 3 -50.00%
HUNGARY 48 72 120 50.00%
ICELAND 15 16 31 6.70%
INDIA 267 355 622 33.00%
INDONESIA 15 12 27 -20.00%
IRELAND 148 187 335 26.40%
ISRAEL 1108 1260 2368 13.70%
ITALY 1962 2022 3984 3.10%
JAMAICA 2 1 3 -50.00%
JAPAN 36340 37250 73590 2.50%
JORDAN 1 1 2 0.00%
KAZAKHSTAN 2 1 3 -50.00%
KENYA 1 10 11 900.00%
KUWAIT 8 7 15 -12.50%
LATVIA 0 4 4 No 2002 Patents
LEBANON 2 6 8 200.00%
LIECHTENSTEIN 17 15 32 -11.80%
LITHUANIA 5 1 6 -80.00%
LUXEMBOURG 52 53 105 1.90%
MACAU 2 6 8 200.00%
MACEDONIA 0 1 1 No 2002 Patents
MALAYSIA 62 63 125 1.60%
MALTA 1 3 4 200.00%
MARSHALL ISLANDS 1 0 1 -100.00%
MEXICO 105 92 197 -12.40%
MONACO 21 10 31 -52.40%
MOROCCO 0 1 1 No 2002 Patents
NETH. ANTILLES 3 0 3 -100.00%
NETHERLANDS 1681 1570 3251 -6.60%
NEW GUINEA 1 0 1 -100.00%
NEW ZEALAND 173 165 338 -4.60%
NICARAGUA 0 1 1 No 2002 Patents
NIGERIA 4 4 8 0.00%
NORWAY 261 279 540 6.90%
PAKISTAN 1 1 2 0.00%
PANAMA 1 3 4 200.00%
PERU 1 4 5 300.00%
PHILIPPINES 19 25 44 31.60%
POLAND 13 19 32 46.20%
PORTUGAL 12 12 24 0.00%
ROMANIA 4 7 11 75.00%
RUSSIAN FEDERATION 203 202 405 -0.50%
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS 2 0 2 -100.00%
SAUDI ARABIA 10 19 29 90.00%
SINGAPORE 421 460 881 9.30%
SLOVAKIA 9 6 15 -33.30%
SLOVENIA 16 19 35 18.80%
SOUTH AFRICA 123 131 254 6.50%
SOUTH KOREA 4009 4132 8141 3.10%
SPAIN 358 358 716 0.00%
SRI LANKA 15 4 19 -73.30%
SWEDEN 1824 1629 3453 -10.70%
SWITZERLAND 1532 1433 2965 -6.50%
SYRIA 2 0 2 -100.00%
TAIWAN 6730 6676 13406 -0.80%
TANZANIA 0 2 2 No 2002 Patents
THAILAND 61 47 108 -23.00%
TRINIDAD/TOBAGO 0 2 2 No 2002 Patents
TUNISIA 1 0 1 -100.00%
TURKEY 18 32 50 77.80%
U.S.S.R. 1 1 2 0.00%
UGANDA 1 0 1 -100.00%
UKRAINE 28 15 43 -46.40%
UNITED KINGDOM 4196 4031 8227 -3.90%
URUGUAY 3 2 5 -33.30%
UZBEKISTAN 1 0 1 -100.00%
VENEZUELA 32 20 52 -37.50%
VIET NAM 4 1 5 -75.00%
YEMEN 1 0 1 -100.00%
YUGOSLAVIA 4 2 6 -50.00%
ZIMBABWE 1 1 2 0.00%
FOREIGN TOTALS 87300 88455 175755 1.30%
U.S. TOTALS 97127 98598 195725 1.50%
FOREIGN TOTALS 87300 88455 175755 1.30%
TOTAL 184427 187053 371480 1.40%


Counts were revised March 4 to reflect late patent withdrawal information.
Counts include utility, design, plant, and reissue patents, and statutory invention registrations.

* Please note that the country of origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor.

Contact Information -

Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Information Products - PTMD
PK3- Suite 441, P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

tel: (703) 306-2600
FAX: (703) 306-2737

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