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Independent Inventors By State By Year
Utility Patents Report


Independent Inventors By State By Year
Utility Patents Report
Patents Granted: 1975 - 2018
A Patent Technology Monitoring Team Report

Description of the Report

An independent inventor (also called an individual inventor), for purposes of this report, is a person whose patent, at the time of grant, has ownership that is unassigned or assigned to an individual (i.e., ownership of the patent is not assigned to an organization).

The counts in this table represent the number of times inventors from particular states are named on unassigned patents or on patents assigned to individuals. If a patent has more than one inventor, each inventor is counted according to his or her state of residence at the time of patent grant. If an inventor has more than one patent, he or she is counted once for each patent.

This report counts the number of times inventors from particular states are named on documents of the following type(s):
utility patents (i.e., 'patents for invention')
granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office during the period JANUARY 1975 -- DECEMBER 2018. Counts of inventors and their patent grants are broken out by calendar year.

The source of the data used for this report is the TAF database maintained by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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Number of Independent Inventors, as Distributed by Year of Grant of Patent(s) Received
Breakout by U.S. State

The counts in this report represent the number of times inventors from particular states are named on unassigned patents or on patents assigned to individuals. If the patent has more than one inventor, each inventor is counted according to his or her state of residence at the time of patent grant. If an inventor has more than one patent he or she is counted once for each patent.
Counts of inventors and their patent grants are broken out by calendar year of grant and are those granted: JANUARY 1975 -- DECEMBER 2018
State Code State Name PRE_2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
AL ALABAMA 2747 176 154 144 114 127 75 77 87 125 116 120 137 118 129 132 128 139 4845
AK ALASKA 650 40 33 28 38 32 13 11 29 19 23 21 36 38 34 32 38 27 1142
AZ ARIZONA 7768 414 407 361 305 347 293 304 259 353 367 395 416 452 468 551 492 498 14450
AR ARKANSAS 1516 79 81 62 59 54 38 39 38 68 42 71 57 63 56 58 100 91 2572
CA CALIFORNIA 73717 3674 3789 3438 2857 3564 2880 2581 2626 3880 3306 3737 3915 4236 4207 4205 4262 4277 135151
CO COLORADO 7747 452 382 340 270 344 297 232 225 367 315 386 412 437 418 421 522 472 14039
CT CONNECTICUT 7736 326 345 248 224 386 236 206 212 260 242 272 287 260 300 251 213 198 12202
DE DELAWARE 905 59 56 49 54 45 30 17 33 33 45 38 28 33 25 31 44 36 1561
FL FLORIDA 22222 1204 1248 1169 1044 1044 925 846 822 1063 1110 1228 1316 1434 1363 1385 1479 1382 42284
GA GEORGIA 6240 366 354 285 295 328 276 239 239 376 431 397 459 404 416 402 400 449 12356
HI HAWAII 1155 43 41 45 35 55 38 37 27 53 38 50 58 56 56 59 42 48 1936
ID IDAHO 2022 126 130 103 79 123 87 83 75 83 88 85 104 82 96 81 83 97 3627
IL ILLINOIS 18225 769 683 616 525 615 551 432 457 556 491 533 616 670 596 619 561 622 28137
IN INDIANA 5802 257 268 219 195 200 168 147 130 233 210 234 256 267 230 274 243 246 9579
IA IOWA 3192 113 116 117 85 112 66 79 77 129 143 89 125 128 130 129 130 113 5073
KS KANSAS 3038 140 146 114 101 97 84 75 70 132 104 98 132 137 126 179 164 167 5104
KY KENTUCKY 2408 126 123 93 76 83 85 90 73 91 88 94 105 94 105 99 120 94 4047
LA LOUISIANA 5396 278 217 198 165 173 133 139 138 150 150 179 181 176 152 180 208 180 8393
ME MAINE 1145 61 50 47 45 49 29 28 34 33 46 39 42 39 49 46 52 33 1867
MD MARYLAND 8357 366 327 305 256 316 274 220 294 347 298 346 371 397 398 346 446 364 14028
MA MASSACHUSETTS 12152 591 648 472 389 549 426 394 418 582 643 601 627 594 591 544 619 594 21434
MI MICHIGAN 16766 698 641 571 501 549 448 458 403 507 493 536 558 571 648 566 626 684 26224
MN MINNESOTA 8167 425 445 384 326 423 296 254 256 317 359 344 382 420 431 491 463 357 14540
MS MISSISSIPPI 1525 70 68 62 50 42 54 31 42 31 36 57 47 59 34 52 47 39 2346
MO MISSOURI 5815 361 265 194 216 187 159 168 157 194 170 185 206 229 169 271 236 192 9374
MT MONTANA 1662 79 49 46 42 44 49 43 34 43 44 47 67 46 68 50 56 68 2537
NE NEBRASKA 2056 64 74 71 76 64 75 68 53 67 73 106 85 90 86 86 48 60 3302
NV NEVADA 2790 208 220 169 182 201 137 123 110 165 143 172 206 227 225 223 248 191 5940
NH NEW HAMPSHIRE 2117 109 122 105 90 109 68 57 78 132 86 107 115 121 120 108 127 145 3916
NJ NEW JERSEY 15687 624 606 641 495 547 463 422 399 710 533 583 727 652 626 606 643 574 25538
NM NEW MEXICO 2182 107 95 95 63 88 70 76 59 111 98 108 117 85 90 86 112 113 3755
NY NEW YORK 30576 1280 1106 1066 905 951 910 786 766 1057 974 1062 1178 1257 1260 1161 1292 1101 48688
NC NORTH CAROLINA 6540 389 388 359 277 279 259 195 205 326 349 308 345 341 360 332 386 379 12017
ND NORTH DAKOTA 881 47 25 26 37 29 26 26 31 23 16 24 27 31 34 21 20 34 1358
OH OHIO 13647 637 563 523 431 502 402 424 343 532 424 449 498 573 579 528 533 473 22061
OK OKLAHOMA 4704 150 160 130 113 145 124 92 100 109 120 122 157 160 135 130 132 141 6924
OR OREGON 5859 279 286 268 232 269 270 384 296 320 253 228 280 304 299 278 236 255 10596
PA PENNSYLVANIA 15829 722 684 594 495 621 453 390 397 586 523 560 560 576 524 500 604 574 25192
RI RHODE ISLAND 1355 46 49 45 41 51 47 38 38 41 44 42 57 66 41 48 35 57 2141
SC SOUTH CAROLINA 3262 190 168 164 127 139 97 107 119 116 130 144 151 159 151 155 159 124 5662
SD SOUTH DAKOTA 671 37 28 34 29 36 24 21 26 36 42 71 62 58 43 55 53 56 1382
TN TENNESSEE 4357 230 222 205 145 193 152 132 159 169 219 218 219 251 217 239 262 272 7861
TX TEXAS 22599 1179 1094 958 866 1001 869 812 770 1131 1003 1036 1192 1277 1399 1303 1368 1414 41271
UT UTAH 3973 252 203 207 161 193 259 324 353 371 306 298 349 369 320 323 574 611 9446
VT VERMONT 880 33 35 39 30 42 32 13 23 41 24 22 29 51 29 26 31 24 1404
VA VIRGINIA 7149 385 419 312 279 327 279 256 266 365 333 356 366 368 351 388 388 461 13048
WA WASHINGTON 8501 432 436 378 311 422 382 331 386 532 436 419 512 504 592 569 589 567 16299
WV WEST VIRGINIA 1047 40 38 42 28 50 36 20 31 48 28 47 47 41 56 30 28 47 1704
WI WISCONSIN 6629 367 300 309 223 265 236 231 240 277 252 270 308 272 280 255 226 279 11219
WY WYOMING 733 30 43 31 29 26 16 20 30 32 21 34 33 29 26 30 32 44 1239
DC DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 914 26 11 23 13 15 21 18 15 19 40 35 34 41 28 50 38 45 1386
GU GUAM 19 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 32
MP NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
PR PUERTO RICO 306 7 17 11 9 19 17 8 12 15 19 27 10 31 24 44 27 32 635
AS U.S. PACIFIC ISLANDS 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
VI U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS 51 1 3 2 4 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 5 2 6 2 3 0 92
US U.S. UNSPECIFIED REGION 27 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 38
ALL ALL STATES 393418 19165 18461 16517 14039 16475 13738 12614 12562 17359 15890 17031 18610 19377 19199 19031 19972 19540 682998

Contact Information

Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMT (formerly TAF Branch)
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450


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