Trademark ID Manual updates incorporate green tech

Published on: 01/04/2023 14:29 PM


Trademark Alert

US Patent and Trademark Office

Trademark ID Manual updates incorporate green tech 

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is adding new terms to the Trademark ID Manual to cover goods and services that address climate change, or green tech. The new terms allow more trademark applicants who offer green tech to file using TEAS Plus and pay a lower application fee. We've added over 75 terms so far, including biomethane, research and development in the field of wind energy, and treatment of captured landfill gas.  

This is part of a larger effort among federal agencies to address climate change. Some of our other initiatives include: 

  • Participating in the World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO)WIPO GREEN, which connects providers and seekers of environmentally friendly technologies 

Visit our website to learn about Searching the Trademark ID Manual, and to read more about how we’re fast-tracking green innovations in the Director’s Forum blog


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