Published on: 02/14/2023 15:46 PM
Coming next month: USPTO's 2023 Women's Entrepreneurship Symposium
Join us next month for the 2023 Women’s Entrepreneurship Symposium, an exciting three-part event series highlighting the inspiring women impacting invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Learn about the resources and tools available to help navigate today’s changing marketplace and protect your intellectual property (IP).
Learn how women can impact the next generation of leaders.
Hear about the challenges that women innovators often face and overcome.
Discover resources and support for commercializing your idea.
Hear best practices that helped women innovators overcome challenges in their fields.
Learn how to give back and be a mentor.
Discover where to find mentors, and ways that mentorships bring growth and opportunities.
Hear from women in tech how their ideas impacted the technology we use today.
Learn about the challenges in bringing new innovations to the market, and how to overcome those challenges.
Discover the types of funding available to bring ideas to market.
The Women’s Entrepreneurship Symposium series, hosted by USPTO's Office of Innovation Outreach every March in celebration of Women's History Month, complements the agency's recently launched Women's Entrepreneurship (WE) initiative. WE is a community-focused, collaborative, and creative initiative to encourage and empower more women founders across America. For questions and information about the WE initiative, contact or visit the WE page on the USPTO's website.
For more information on the Women's Entrepreneurship Symposium in March, please contact