June 25: Free webinar on oral advocacy

Published on: 06/19/2020 11:12 AM



Patent Trial and Appeal Board


June 25: Free webinar on oral advocacy

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) is holding a webinar on oral advocacy Thursday, June 25, from noon to 1 p.m. ET. This webinar is offered as part of the PTAB’s Legal Experience and Advancement Program (LEAP). If you want to learn more about or plan to participate in LEAP, this webinar is perfect for you.  

LEAP is designed to encourage the professional development of patent attorneys and agents appearing before the PTAB through increased opportunities for oral advocacy. Accordingly, the PTAB will grant up to 15 minutes additional argument time to parties that choose to participate in LEAP, depending on the length of the proceeding and the PTAB’s hearing schedule.

During the webinar, judges will offer training on oral advocacy to help prepare LEAP practitioners to argue before the Board. The training will cover topics such as use of demonstratives, effective use of hearing time, courtroom decorum, and logistics of an oral hearing.

The webinar is free and open to all. There will be a Q&A session at the end. Please send questions in advance or during the webinar to LEAP@uspto.gov

Webinar access information is available on the LEAP page of the USPTO website.


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