Patent Prosecution Highway Between USPTO and SIC (Pilot)

The Patent Prosecution Highway in Conjunction With the Colombian Superintendence Of Industry And Commerce (SIC)

Under the Patent Prosecution Highway, an applicant receiving a ruling from either the Colombian Superintendence Of Industry And Commerce (SIC) or the USPTO that at least one claim in an application is patentable may request that the other office fast track the examination of corresponding claims in corresponding applications. The Patent Prosecution Highway will leverage fast-track patent examination procedures already available in both offices to allow applicants in both countries to obtain corresponding patents faster and more efficiently.

As of May 25, 2010, the USPTO has eliminated the fee for the petition to make special under the PPH programs.

The trial period, which started on 01 September 2012, has been extended indefinitely. The USPTO and SIC will evaluate the results of the pilot program to determine whether and how the program should be fully implemented. The offices may also terminate the PPH pilot program, if the volume of participation exceeds a manageable level, or for any other reason. Notice will be published if this PPH pilot program will be terminated.

A press report by the SIC announcing the pilot program is available here.

Patent Prosecution Highway Requests to USPTO


Patent Prosecution Highway Requests to SIC

How to make a request at SIC (published by the SIC in Spanish)