Reinstatement to Register

   The following list of persons, whose names have been previously
removed from the Register of Attorneys and Agents pursuant to the
provisions of 37 CFR 10.11(b), have been reinstated in view of the
required fee and information they furnished to the Office of Enrollment
and Discipline.

Doyle, Robert W., 607 N. Doheny, Suite B, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Marsh, C. Woodworth, 5700 Via Real, #134, Carpinteria, CA 93013

Rose, Stuart WE., 441 N. Park Blvd., Unit 1M, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Sullivan, James T., 835 Hanover St., Suite 303, Manchester, NH 03104

Szecsy, Alek P., 66B Janet Dr., Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Winsky, Gregory J., Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc., One Franklin
Plaza, Burlington, NJ 08016

November 19, 1999                           HARRY I. MOATZ, Acting Director
                                        Office of Enrollment and Discipline