Availability of PatentIn 2.1 Software For Preparation Of Sequence Listings For patent applications in which nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence information is significant, many patent applicants are familiar with submitting such sequence information prepared with the PatentIn authoring tool. A general description of PatentIn is provided in MPEP 2430. While use of the PatentIn authoring tool is not required, the many automatic features of PatentIn simplify generating Sequence Listings when compared to generating them by hand in a word processing environment. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has developed a new release of the authoring tool (Patentln 2.1) to aid in submitting Sequence Listings in computer readable form in compliance with WIPO ST.25, the PCT Administrative Instructions and 37 CFR 1.821 Ü 1.825. PatentIn 2.1 was developed through cooperation among the Trilateral Offices (USPTO, EPO and JPO). PatentIn 2.1 is the latest release of the PatentIn software and was designed to run on WINDOWSÌrm based operating systems. Copies of the PatentIn version 2.1 software (two 3.5 inch diskettes per set) and documentation can be obtained for $25 from the Office of Electronic Information Products (OEIP), which may be contacted at (703) 306-2600 (voice) or (703) 306-2737 (telefax) or by email at oeip@uspto.gov. The PatentIn version 2.1 software can also be obtained for free by downloading from the USPTO's internet Web site (http://www.uspto.gov). Additional information can be obtained by calling or sending email to Christopher Low at christopher.low@uspto.gov; (703)-306-4119. September 30, 1999 STEPHEN G. KUNIN Deputy Assistant Commissioner For Patent Policy and Projects