Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations
                            Due To Failure to Renew

   15 U.S.C. 1059 provides that each trademark registration may be
renewed for periods of ten years from the end of the expiring period
upon payment of the prescribed fee and the filing of an acceptable
application for renewal. This may be done at any time within six months
before the expiration of the period for which the registration was
issued or renewed, or it may be done within three months after such
expiration on payment of an additional fee.
   According to the records of the Office, the trademark registrations
listed below are expired due to failure to renew in accordance with 15
U.S.C. 1059.

                                 July 12, 1999
                            DUE TO FAILURE TO RENEW

Reg. Number               Serial Number                   Reg. Date

120,913                     71/106,820                   03/12/1918
123,052                     71/111,065                   10/08/1918
360,963                     71/401,158                   10/04/1938
360,983                     71/404,056                   10/04/1938
360,998                     71/405,230                   10/04/1938
361,078                     71/407,135                   10/04/1938
667,899                     72/030,196                   10/07/1958
667,904                     72/039,929                   10/07/1958
667,925                     71/697,201                   10/07/1958
667,926                     72/025,987                   10/07/1958
667,929                     72/039,254                   10/07/1958
667,931                     72/040,174                   10/07/1958
667,936                     72/023,832                   10/07/1958
667,939                     72/035,325                   10/07/1958
667,943                     72/040,514                   10/07/1958
667,947                     72/034,955                   10/07/1958
667,948                     72/039,171                   10/07/1958
667,962                     72/043,596                   10/07/1958
667,968                     72/031,096                   10/07/1958
667,972                     72/037,064                   10/07/1958
667,975                     72/040,026                   10/07/1958
667,977                     72/040,551                   10/07/1958
667,980                     72/042,937                   10/07/1958
667,988                     72/042,500                   10/07/1958
667,997                     72/039,236                   10/07/1958
668,000                     72/040,377                   10/07/1958
668,029                     72/045,376                   10/07/1958
668,036                     72/049,291                   10/07/1958
668,038                     72/050,218                   10/07/1958
668,039                     72/050,219                   10/07/1958
668,041                     72/050,651                   10/07/1958
668,049                     72/035,429                   10/07/1958
668,055                     72/018,980                   10/07/1958
668,057                     72/028,268                   10/07/1958
668,060                     72/032,514                   10/07/1958
668,062                     72/041,739                   10/07/1958
668,075                     72/039,834                   10/07/1958
668,077                     72/043,111                   10/07/1958
668,083                     72/037,429                   10/07/1958
668,096                     72/040,728                   10/07/1958
668,098                     72/041,196                   10/07/1958
668,100                     72/042,413                   10/07/1958
668,101                     72/044,096                   10/07/1958
668,102                     72/044,371                   10/07/1958
668,109                     72/040,589                   10/07/1958
668,122                     72/040,754                   10/07/1958
668,123                     72/040,755                   10/07/1958
668,128                     72/030,472                   10/07/1958
668,129                     72/033,319                   10/07/1958
668,141                     72/043,049                   10/07/1958
668,143                     72/043,854                   10/07/1958
668,144                     72/043,906                   10/07/1958
668,145                     72/037,007                   10/07/1958
668,158                     71/696,525                   10/07/1958
1,103,259                   73/136,692                   10/03/1978
1,103,263                   73/093,886                   10/03/1978
1,103,264                   73/114,343                   10/03/1978
1,103,265                   73/128,151                   10/03/1978
1,103,266                   73/133,637                   10/03/1978
1,103,268                   73/137,271                   10/03/1978
1,103,269                   73/137,272                   10/03/1978
1,103,271                   73/147,308                   10/03/1978
1,103,272                   73/148,513                   10/03/1978
1,103,276                   73/151,844                   10/03/1978
1,103,277                   73/151,857                   10/03/1978
1,103,283                   73/111,995                   10/03/1978
1,103,286                   73/094,959                   10/03/1978
1,103,291                   73/125,444                   10/03/1978
1,103,302                   73/161,086                   10/03/1978
1,103,303                   73/161,121                   10/03/1978
1,103,305                   73/161,239                   10/03/1978
1,103,309                   73/131,306                   10/03/1978
1,103,311                   73/110,207                   10/03/1978
1,103,312                   73/131,325                   10/03/1978
1,103,314                   73/141,377                   10/03/1978
1,103,318                   73/155,224                   10/03/1978
1,103,319                   73/156,747                   10/03/1978
1,103,320                   73/162,048                   10/03/1978
1,103,323                   73/162,403                   10/03/1978
1,103,325                   73/050,647                   10/03/1978
1,103,327                   73/052,388                   10/03/1978
1,103,330                   73/086,309                   10/03/1978
1,103,332                   73/088,710                   10/03/1978
1,103,336                   73/102,171                   10/03/1978
1,103,340                   73/115,189                   10/03/1978
1,103,342                   73/118,822                   10/03/1978
1,103,344                   73/122,896                   10/03/1978
1,103,345                   73/126,337                   10/03/1978
1,103,347                   73/129,056                   10/03/1978
1,103,348                   73/129,059                   10/03/1978
1,103,350                   73/132,928                   10/03/1978
1,103,352                   73/133,643                   10/03/1978
1,103,357                   73/135,929                   10/03/1978
1,103,361                   73/142,200                   10/03/1978
1,103,372                   73/149,849                   10/03/1978
1,103,375                   73/160,093                   10/03/1978
1,103,381                   73/127,393                   10/03/1978
1,103,384                   73/103,919                   10/03/1978
1,103,385                   73/149,668                   10/03/1978
1,103,388                   73/093,752                   10/03/1978
1,103,391                   73/159,678                   10/03/1978
1,103,392                   73/104,952                   10/03/1978
1,103,394                   73/137,629                   10/03/1978
1,103,395                   73/163,888                   10/03/1978
1,103,402                   73/088,566                   10/03/1978
1,103,418                   73/143,648                   10/03/1978
1,103,421                   73/148,372                   10/03/1978
1,103,424                   73/153,191                   10/03/1978
1,103,433                   73/135,905                   10/03/1978
1,103,434                   73/127,037                   10/03/1978
1,103,437                   73/131,281                   10/03/1978
1,103,445                   73/128,591                   10/03/1978
1,103,449                   73/104,793                   10/03/1978
1,103,452                   73/099,913                   10/03/1978
1,103,457                   73/113,797                   10/03/1978
1,103,458                   73/120,312                   10/03/1978
1,103,462                   73/152,354                   10/03/1978
1,103,466                   73/095,966                   10/03/1978
1,103,470                   73/105,814                   10/03/1978
1,103,472                   73/112,358                   10/03/1978
1,103,476                   73/124,750                   10/03/1978
1,103,477                   73/124,820                   10/03/1978
1,103,479                   73/128,007                   10/03/1978
1,103,480                   73/128,999                   10/03/1978
1,103,484                   73/141,219                   10/03/1978
1,103,492                   73/152,849                   10/03/1978
1,103,495                   73/142,785                   10/03/1978
1,103,497                   73/142,987                   10/03/1978
1,103,498                   73/156,869                   10/03/1978
1,103,502                   73/089,336                   10/03/1978
1,103,505                   73/123,468                   10/03/1978
1,103,515                   73/138,773                   10/03/1978
1,103,516                   73/143,739                   10/03/1978
1,103,520                   73/146,625                   10/03/1978
1,103,530                   73/138,575                   10/03/1978
1,103,533                   73/141,822                   10/03/1978
1,103,534                   73/144,074                   10/03/1978
1,103,536                   73/086,537                   10/03/1978
1,103,539                   73/116,978                   10/03/1978
1,103,541                   73/121,366                   10/03/1978
1,103,546                   73/155,442                   10/03/1978
1,103,548                   73/126,882                   10/03/1978
1,103,550                   73/136,689                   10/03/1978
1,103,556                   73/160,529                   10/03/1978
1,103,559                   73/130,410                   10/03/1978
1,103,565                   73/145,801                   10/03/1978
1,103,567                   73/140,321                   10/03/1978
1,103,574                   73/110,248                   10/03/1978
1,103,576                   73/115,548                   10/03/1978
1,103,578                   73/124,129                   10/03/1978
1,103,584                   73/084,034                   10/03/1978
1,103,588                   73/121,255                   10/03/1978
1,103,590                   73/130,828                   10/03/1978
1,103,593                   73/077,003                   10/03/1978
1,103,604                   73/144,829                   10/03/1978
1,103,618                   73/143,973                   10/03/1978
1,103,619                   73/148,071                   10/03/1978
1,103,623                   73/095,590                   10/03/1978
1,103,636                   73/129,062                   10/03/1978
1,103,638                   73/135,395                   10/03/1978
1,103,641                   73/137,459                   10/03/1978
1,103,645                   73/143,929                   10/03/1978
1,103,646                   73/143,930                   10/03/1978
1,103,648                   73/148,054                   10/03/1978
1,103,650                   73/149,129                   10/03/1978
1,103,655                   73/162,628                   10/03/1978
1,103,658                   72/426,901                   10/03/1978
1,103,659                   72/464,533                   10/03/1978
1,103,660                   72/464,597                   10/03/1978
1,103,661                   73/132,508                   10/03/1978
1,103,664                   73/146,904                   10/03/1978
1,103,665                   73/083,890                   10/03/1978
1,103,666                   73/091,883                   10/03/1978
1,103,670                   73/117,204                   10/03/1978
1,103,679                   73/139,770                   10/03/1978