OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE August 19, 1997 Volume 1201 Number 3 CONTENTS Page Patent and Trademark Office Notices Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable Notice of Expiration of Patents Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a Late Maintenance Fee From 6/13/97 Reissue Applications Filed Requests for Reexamination Filed Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations Due To Failure to Renew Errata Patent Term Extended Under 35 U.S.C. 156 Trademark Search Tools on CD-ROM Revision of Patent and Trademark Fees for Fiscal Year 1998 Certificates of Correction Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Special Boxes for Mail Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for Public Use in Patent Depository Libraries Patent Examining Corps Condition of Trademark Applications Reexaminations Reissue Patents Granted (35,593) Plant Patents Granted (10,008) Patents Granted General and Mechanical (5,658,354) Chemical (5,659,124) Electrical (5,659,894) Design Patents Granted (382,684) Index of Patentees Indices of Reissue, Reexaminations, Design and Plant Patents Classification of Patents (Including Reissues and Reexaminations) Designs and Plants Applications Geographical Index of Residence of Inventors Patents (Including Reissues and Reexaminations) Designs and Plant Applications Change of Address Form Subscription Order Form The following are mailed under direction of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, to whom all subscriptions should be made payable and all communications addressed. VISA or MasterCard may be used for telephone orders, (202)-512-1800. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE (PATENT SECTION), issued weekly. Stock No. 703-033-00000-8 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE (TRADEMARK SECTION), issued weekly. Stock No. 703-034-00000-4 PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE NOTICES, issued weekly. Stock No. 703-035-00000-1 GENERAL INFORMATION concerning PATENTS. Stock No. 003-004-00661-7 COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent and Trademark Office at $3.00 each; PLANT PATENTS in color, $12.00 each; copies of TRADEMARKS at $3.00 each. Address orders to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Washington, D.C., 20231. Printing authorized by Section 11(a)3 of Title 35, U.S.P.T.O.