<%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <% response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); response.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0); %> <%! private static final String[] htmlCode = new String[256]; static { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { htmlCode[i] = "�" + i + ";"; } for (int i = 10; i < 32; i++) { htmlCode[i] = "�" + i + ";"; } for (int i = 32; i < 128; i++) { htmlCode[i] = String.valueOf((char)i); } // Special characters htmlCode['\n'] = "
\n"; htmlCode['\"'] = """; // double quote htmlCode['&'] = "&"; // ampersand htmlCode['<'] = "<"; // lower than htmlCode['>'] = ">"; // greater than for (int i = 128; i < 256; i++) { htmlCode[i] = "&#" + i + ";"; } } public String htmlEncode(String inputString){ int len = inputString.length(); char c; StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = inputString.charAt(i); // the Htmlcode of these characters are added to a StringBuffer one by one try { outputBuffer.append(htmlCode[c]); } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) { outputBuffer.append(c); } } return outputBuffer.toString(); } %> <% Map errorTable = new Hashtable(); Boolean error = Boolean.FALSE; Boolean newForm = ((request.getParameter("error")==null)?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE); String salutation = ""; String lastName = ""; String firstName = ""; String middleInitial = ""; String email = ""; String email2 = ""; String firmName = ""; String streetAddress = ""; String city = ""; String stateProvince = ""; String stateProvince2 = ""; String country = ""; String zipCode = ""; String telephone = ""; String fax = ""; String affil_tc1600 = ""; String affil_tc1700 = ""; String affil_tc2100 = ""; String affil_tc2600 = ""; String affil_tc2800 = ""; String affil_tc2900 = ""; String affil_tc3600 = ""; String affil_tc3700 = ""; String affil_tm = ""; String frequency = ""; String attorneyNumber = ""; String customerNumber = ""; if (newForm == Boolean.TRUE) { session.invalidate(); } else { if (session.getAttribute("errorTable")!=null) { errorTable = (Map)session.getAttribute("errorTable"); } if (session.getAttribute("error")!=null) { error = (Boolean)session.getAttribute("error"); } salutation = ((session.getAttribute("salutation")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("salutation")); lastName = ((session.getAttribute("lastName")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("lastName")); firstName = ((session.getAttribute("firstName")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("firstName")); middleInitial = ((session.getAttribute("middleInitial")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("middleInitial")); email = ((session.getAttribute("email")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("email")); email2 = ((session.getAttribute("email2")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("email2")); firmName = ((session.getAttribute("firmName")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("firmName")); streetAddress = ((session.getAttribute("streetAddress")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("streetAddress")); city = ((session.getAttribute("city")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("city")); stateProvince = ((session.getAttribute("stateProvince")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("stateProvince")); stateProvince2 = ((session.getAttribute("stateProvince2")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("stateProvince2")); country = ((session.getAttribute("country")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("country")); zipCode = ((session.getAttribute("zipCode")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("zipCode")); telephone = ((session.getAttribute("telephone")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("telephone")); fax = ((session.getAttribute("fax")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("fax")); affil_tc1600 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc1600")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc1600")); affil_tc1700 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc1700")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc1700")); affil_tc2100 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc2100")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc2100")); affil_tc2600 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc2600")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc2600")); affil_tc2800 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc2800")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc2800")); affil_tc2900 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc2900")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc2900")); affil_tc3600 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc3600")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc3600")); affil_tc3700 = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tc3700")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tc3700")); affil_tm = ((session.getAttribute("affil_tm")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("affil_tm")); frequency = ((session.getAttribute("frequency")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("frequency")); attorneyNumber = ((session.getAttribute("attorneyNumber")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("attorneyNumber")); customerNumber = ((session.getAttribute("customerNumber")==null)?"":(String)session.getAttribute("customerNumber")); } %> eCustomer Registration <%-- begin usptonavigationtop --%> <%-- begin ecrs header code --%> <%-- end ecrs header code --%>
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EBC < eCustomer Registration

As we move toward eGovernment policies, the USPTO has the opportunity to disseminate publications in electronic format. As a subscriber, you benefit by getting this information quickly. We can register you NOW through this eCustomer form.

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<% if (error.booleanValue()) { %> <% } %> <% if (errorTable.get("lastName")!=null) { %> <% } %> <% if (errorTable.get("email")!=null) { if ( errorTable.get("email").equals("missing") ) { %> <% } else if ( errorTable.get("email").equals("invalid") ) { %> <% } else if ( errorTable.get("email").equals("unmatched") ) { %> <% } } %> <% if (errorTable.get("email2")!=null) { if ( errorTable.get("email2").equals("missing") ) { %> <% } else if ( errorTable.get("email2").equals("invalid") ) { %> <% } } %> <% if (errorTable.get("streetAddress")!=null) { %> <% } %> <% if (errorTable.get("city")!=null) { %> <% } %> <% if (errorTable.get("zipCode")!=null) { %> <% } %> <% if (errorTable.get("telephone")!=null) { %> <% } %> <% if (errorTable.get("attorneyNumber")!=null) { %> <% } %> <% if (errorTable.get("customerNumber")!=null) { %> <% } %>
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" width="30%"> * Zip/Postal Code:
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" width="30%"> * Telephone Number:
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Primary Affiliation: checked <% } %> > TC 1600 / BioTechnology & Organic Chemistry
checked <% } %> > TC 1700 / Chemical & Materials Engineering
checked <% } %> > TC 2100 / Computer Architecture, Software & Electronic Commerce
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Approximately how many applications did you file over the past 12 months?: checked <% } %>> 0
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checked <% } %>> 16 to 25
checked <% } %>> 26 to 49
checked <% } %>> 50 or more
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" width="30%"> Attorney Registration Number:
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The information that you are supplying in response to this request is covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579). The Paperwork Reduction Act states that no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Number. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that you be given certain information in connection with the above request for information. The USPTO is authorized to collect this information under 35 U.S.C. 2(a)(2). This information will primarily be used to disseminate publications and policy news electronically to USPTO customers as the agency moves towards electronic publishing and eGovernment policies. The responses will not be aggregated. Response to this collection is voluntary, however, if you choose not to provide your e-mail address, you may not be able to receive publications electronically from the USPTO. This information is covered by the Privacy Act and may be routinely disclosed to a court, magistrate, or administrative tribunal, to members of Congress or their staffs responding to requests from their constituents, the Department of Justice to determine disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, to a USPTO contractor in the performance of a contract, and to the General Services Administration in connection with their responsibilities. This survey is estimated to take approximately 3.5 minutes to complete, including the time to gather the information necessary to complete the survey and submit it to the USPTO. Any comments on the amount of time required to complete this survey and other aspects of this collection or suggestions for reducing the burden should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 20231.

OMB No. 0651-0038 Approval Expires 08/31/02.