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Are there any state government agencies that can help me in developing and marketing of my invention?
Are there any organizations in my area which can tell me how and where I may be able to obtain assistance in developing and marketing my invention?
Will the USPTO advise me as to whether a certain patent promotion organization is reliable and trustworthy?
Does the USPTO control the fees charged by patent attorneys and agents for their services?
If a first person furnishes all of the ideas to make an invention and a second person employs the first person or furnishes the money for building and testing the invention, should the patent application be filed by the first and second persons jointly?
If two or more persons work together to make an invention, to whom will the patent be granted?
Is it necessary to go to the USPTO to transact business concerning patent matters?
May I write to the USPTO directly about my application after it is filed?
Is there any danger that the USPTO will give others information contained in my application while it is pending? FAQ
What do the terms "patent pending" and "patent applied for" mean?