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Who substantially reviews the Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request? FAQ
Can the applicant attend the panel review of the Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request? FAQ
If applicant files a defective notice of appeal accompanied by a compliant Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request, and the Office mails a notice titled "Communication Re: Appeal" (PTOL-461) informing applicant that the notice of appeal was defective, will t FAQ
Who will review the request to determine whether the request meets the formality requirements for the Pre-Appeal Brief Conference? FAQ
If applicant files a defective notice of appeal and the Office mails a notice titled "Communication Re: Appeal" (PTOL-461) informing applicant that the notice of appeal was defective, can applicant file a compliant notice of appeal and also request a Pre FAQ
If applicant files a request for continued examination (RCE), an affidavit or other evidence under 37 CFR 41.33(d)(1), or an express abandonment after the filing of a notice of appeal and Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request but prior to a decision on the FAQ
If applicant files a notice of appeal without a Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request, can applicant file a request to withdraw the first notice of appeal and then submit a second notice of appeal with a Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request? FAQ
If applicant files an amendment after appeal under 37 CFR 41.33(a) prior to the decision on the Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request, will the Office continue to decide the Request? FAQ
If applicant files an amendment under 37 CFR 1.116 prior to submission of a proper notice of appeal and Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request, will the Office consider the Pre-Appeal Brief Conference Request? FAQ
How will the Office treat a notice of appeal, a request for a Pre-Appeal Brief Conference and an RCE that are all filed on the same date? FAQ