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Who can I contact if I have additional questions and/or concerns related to the pilot program? FAQ
Does the USPTO impose any charge for electronic retrieval or electronic transmission of the priority document? FAQ
"Is there any change to the fees charged by the USPTO's Office of Patent and Trademark Copy Sales for preparing a paper (or CD) priority document?" FAQ
May I print and re-use the priority document retrieved from the EPO, JPO, or KIPO to meet my 37 CFR 1.55 requirements in another application? FAQ
What if my U.S. or European patent application contains a sequence listing CRF? FAQ
May I retrieve a copy of an EPO, JPO, or KIPO priority document for placement in a U.S. application if priority to that EPO, JPO, or KIPO application is not claimed in the U.S. application (for example, if the EPO application is cited as relevant prior ar FAQ
Will the copy of the priority document retrieved from the EPO, JPO, or KIPO be certified? FAQ
Is retrieval of my priority document from the EPO automatic? If not, what do I have to do to arrange for its retrieval? FAQ
Who can sign form PTO/SB/39? FAQ
How will I know that my request (PTO/SB/38) and/or authorization (PTO/SB/39) have been received by the USPTO? FAQ