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My request for prioritized examination was dismissed. What fees can be refunded?
What is the role of Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) under the AIA?
Is there a separate limit of 10,000 granted requests for prioritized examination for the fiscal year for RCE filings?
My application has previously been granted special status under the prioritized examination (Track One) program. I am now filing an RCE for that application. May I file a request for prioritized examination with that RCE filing?
My application has previously been granted special status under the prioritized examination (RCE) program. I am now filing a second RCE for that application. May I file a request for prioritized examination with that second RCE filing?
Is prioritized examination now available for applications that were filed as a national stage entry under 35 U.S.C. 371?
What fees are required upon filing a Request for Prioritized Examination in a request for continued examination (RCE)? What happens if one of the required fees is not present upon filing?
How do I file a Request for Prioritized Examination? FAQ No
For what type of applications, and in which circumstances, may I request prioritized examination when filing an RCE? FAQ No
When may I file a Request for Prioritized Examination in a case in which a request for continued examination has been or will be filed?