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If the reply to a non-final Office action is a non-compliant amendment, can the examiner consider the amendment and treat it on the merits? FAQ
What time period for reply is set forth in the Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment if the non-compliant amendment is a preliminary amendment? FAQ
What time period for reply is set forth in the Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment if the non-compliant amendment is a reply to a non-final Office action? FAQ
If an amendment that is not an after-final amendment is non-compliant, how should the Office treat the amendment? FAQ
If applicant files replacement drawings without any other amendments after a non-final Office action and the replacement drawings are not filed in response to the non-final Office action, how should the Office treat such drawing submission? FAQ
Can applicant submit drawings that include only formal changes (e.g., better quality drawings) and do not include any substantive changes to the drawings? FAQ
If applicant submits proposed drawing corrections, how should the Office treat such submission? FAQ
Can applicant submit proposed drawing corrections? FAQ
What are the requirements for submitting replacement or new drawings? FAQ
Is a letter to the Official Draftsman required when amendments to drawings are being submitted? FAQ