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Can applicant use the transmittal letter of a continuation or divisional application to amend the first sentence of the specification to add the benefit claim to the parent application? FAQ
If the transmittal letter of the application includes an amendment to the first sentence of the specification to add a benefit claim, how should such amendment be treated? FAQ
If applicant wants to file an application with a preliminary amendment that will cancel all of the claims in the original specification and add a new set of claims, can the claim numbers of the claims in the original specification be reused for the claims FAQ
If applicant files: (1) a continuation application including the set of claims of the parent application, and (2) an accompanying preliminary amendment that cancels all of the claims and presents a new set of claims, should the applicant use the status id FAQ
Is a claim listing required for preliminary amendments present on the filing date of the application? FAQ
If the applicant filed an after-final amendment that is non-compliant within the statutory time period with the appropriate extension of time fee, can the examiner allow the application after the six-month statutory period by correcting the non-compliance FAQ
If the examiner wants to correct the non-compliance in an after-final amendment and allow the application within the six-month statutory period, can the examiner provide substantive changes in the examiner's amendment? FAQ
If an after-final amendment that is a non-compliant amendment would otherwise place the application in condition for allowance, can the examiner enter the amendment, correct the non-compliance and allow the application? FAQ
If an after-final amendment is non-compliant, how should the Office treat the amendment? FAQ
If the Office sent out a Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment and the reply to the Notice is still a non-compliant amendment, how should the Office treat the second non-compliant amendment? FAQ