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When does the three month period for requesting a refund under 37 CFR 1.28(a) start if the fee paper was filed using a Certificate of Mailing under 37 CFR 1.8 or filed by Express Mail under 37 CFR 1.10?
If an application is filed prior to September 8, 2000 with the small entity basic filing fee and an assertion that the applicant is a small entity, but no small entity statement in compliance with former 37 CFR 1.27: (1) what must the applicant do to esta FAQ
I tried to access the PTO form site to download a small entity form for a small business and have found out that the Office is no longer making any of the four small entity forms available. Must I apply for small entity status only by payment of the small FAQ
Although the Office no longer makes available the four small entity forms, can I still use them (as I have a blank electronic or paper copy) if I desire to do so?
Will my PDF files still be validated? FAQ
Will the Ombuds keep my complaints confidential? FAQ No
How can an applicant obtain copies of cited U.S. patent references if they do not have access to the Internet? FAQ
How should the examiner indicate that the claims that have the status identifiers "withdrawn" are rejoined and allowed? FAQ
How should applicant indicate added text when the character to be added is the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol in a formula to avoid confusion with the greater than and equal to symbol (>) or the less than and equal to symbol (<)? FAQ
How would the Office treat non-compliant amendments filed in response to an Ex Parte Quayle action? FAQ