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What will happen if an application is filed with an abstract that has more than 150 words?
Why are all applications with drawings reviewed in the Office of Initial Patent Examination? Can applications which are not going to be published as part of the pre-grant publication process be reviewed later? FAQ No
If an applicant elects to utilize optional paragraph numbering as per § 1.52(b)(6), would amendments to the specification (under §1.121) which add new paragraphs require a renumbering of all the paragraphs?
How long may the abstract be?
37 CFR 1.27(a)(2)(i) and (ii) set forth two requirements for qualifying for small entity status as a small business. The first relates to the lack of transfer of rights to a large entity, and the second relates to qualification as to the standards set for FAQ
Must the title of the invention appear as a heading on the first page of the specification?
An application is filed before September 8, 2000, which did not comply with former rule 1.27, but which does comply with amended 37 CFR 1.27. The application contained a general authorization to charge fees. The large entity fees were charged by the Offic FAQ
An application was filed before September 8, 2000, which did not comply with former 1.27, but which does comply with amended 37 CFR 1.27. The small entity filing fee was paid on filing and the Office processed the application as a small entity after Septe FAQ
I still have some questions regarding claiming small entity status. Who can I talk to?
How should I respond to the Notice to File Missing Parts of Application stating that I owe a large entity filing fee and a large entity surcharge when I submitted an unsigned small entity statement with no authorization to charge fees prior to the effecti FAQ