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Can an applicant for a pending application filed before March 19, 2013, pay micro entities fees after March 19, 2013? (Question: FEE4520) FAQ
If there is more than one inventor named in a patent application as the applicant, and if one of the inventors assigns his ownership rights in the application to an assignee, what qualifications do the inventors and/or the assignee have to meet to secure FAQ
If an inventor assigns his ownership rights in an invention to an assignee and if the assignee files a patent application as the applicant, what qualifications do the inventor and/or the assignee have to meet to secure the micro entity discount? (Question FAQ
If an inventor is named in a patent application as the applicant and if the inventor assigns his ownership rights in the application to an assignee, what qualifications do the inventor and/or the assignee have to meet to secure the micro entity discount? FAQ
If there is more than one inventor named in a patent application as the applicant, do all of the inventors have to qualify as a micro entity to pay fees in the micro entity amount? (Question: FEE4500) FAQ
If all inventors on a patent application qualify for micro entity status, and if those inventors assign the application to their university-employer as a condition of their employment, can the university file as the "applicant" and secure the micro entity FAQ
If an application is jointly assigned to an institution of higher educaiton and a corporation, and if both the institution and the corporation are designated as the applicant, does the application qualify for micro-entity status? (Question: FEE4445) FAQ
Under the "institute of higher education" definition for micro entity status, is there a limit on the number of applications for which micro entity reduced fees are paid? (Question: FEE4440) FAQ
If a researcher is employed by an academic institution located in Puerto Rico or one of the U.S. territories, could the researcher qualify for micro entity status under the "institution of higher education" definition? (Question: FEE4435) FAQ
Can a researcher working at a university located outside the U.S. (e.g., Japan) take advantage of the micro entity fee reductions under the "institution of higher education" definition for micro entity status? (Question: FEE4430) FAQ