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If a registered patent practitioner is representing three joint inventors and intends to sign the micro entity certification on behalf of three joint inventors who qualify for micro entity status, should the practitioner sign only one certification for al FAQ
Can an independent inventor sign a micro entity status certification if he/she prepared the patent application and there is no assignee? (Question: FEE4625) FAQ
Is a micro entity certification form required for each fee payment made in the micro entity amount? (Question: FEE4620) FAQ
Who can sign a certification of micro entity status? (Question: FEE4615) FAQ
Can a micro entity certification form be filed in an application before March 19, 2013 - the date that micro entity fee amounts become available? (Question: FEE4610) FAQ
Can a micro entity certification be a simple statement that the applicant qualifies for micro entity status under the "gross income" basis set forth in 37 C.F.R. 1.29(a) or the "institution of higher education" basis set forth in 37 C.F.R. 1.29(d) without FAQ
Does the USPTO have any micro entity certification forms available? (Question: FEE4600) FAQ
If a maintenance fee is due on May 1, 2013 for an application filed before March 19, 2013, and the patentee qualifies as a micro entity, can the patentee pay the maintenance fee in the reduced micro entity amount? (Question: FEE4530) FAQ
How much would a standard utility patent cost a micro entity applicant? (Question: FEE4525) FAQ
When must an applicant determine micro-entity status? (Question: FEE4522) FAQ