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Prior to September 16, 2012, an assignee was required to proceed via 37 C.F.R. §§ 3.71 and 3.73 to establish ownership of the application to be able to grant a power of attorney to prosecute the application. Is this still the case for a new application FAQ
Can a company, as the assignee, file a patent application for an invention on behalf of the company rather than on behalf of the inventor? FAQ
If a second ADS is filed to correct or amend information presented in a previously filed ADS, is the second ADS required to include underlines and cross-outs to reflect the changes? FAQ
When a domestic benefit claim is submitted only in the specification of a new application and is not mentioned in the ADS, is a petition required to submit a corrected ADS after the four-month window with the domestic benefit claim? FAQ
The amended rules require that each claim for domestic benefit under 37 C.F.R. 1.78 or each claim for foreign priority under 37 C.F.R. 1.55 (except foreign priority claims in a national stage application) be present in an application data sheet (ADS). Wil FAQ
Is the use of an application data sheet (ADS) a best practice or is it now mandatory? FAQ
Can a party to a post grant review be sanctioned? FAQ
Can the parties to a post grant review settle? FAQ
How will the Board handle multiple proceedings for the same patent, such as two or more post grant reviews on the same patent? FAQ
Can a party to post grant review appeal the Board's final decision? FAQ