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What are the different standards for admitting an amendment, or affidavit or other evidence filed after a final rejection in a patent application? FAQ No
Will extensions of time be available for filing an appeal brief, a reply in response to a new ground of rejection in an examiner's answer, and a reply brief for a patent application? FAQ No
If the appellant files a notice of appeal with a certificate of mailing under 37 CFR 1.8, which date (the date on the certificate of mailing or the date of receipt by the Office) will start the two month time period for filing the brief? FAQ No
Appellant filed an appeal brief prior to September 13, 2004, the effective date of the BPAI final rule. The examiner reopened the prosecution and issued a non-final Office action with a new ground of rejection prior to September 13, 2004. Can the appellan FAQ No
If an appellant filed an appeal brief in compliance with the requirements of former 37 CFR 1.192(c) before September 13, 2004, the effective date, but the fee for the brief was filed on or after September 13, 2004 within the time period under former 37 CF FAQ No
If the Board remanded an application before the effective date of September 13, 2004 for further consideration of a rejection, and the examiner provides a supplemental examiner's answer on or after the effective date (in response to the remand by the Boar FAQ No
Can the examiner provide a supplemental examiner's answer under § 41.43 on or after the effective date of September 13, 2004 in response to any new issue raised in a reply brief that was filed before the effective date? FAQ No
If the appeal brief is filed before the effective date of September 13, 2004, but the examiner's answer is mailed on or after the effective date, can the examiner's answer include a new ground of rejection? FAQ No
If, after a final rejection or an appeal, applicant or appellant files an amendment, affidavit or other evidence on or after the effective date, will the revised or new rules in the BPAI Final Rule apply? FAQ No
If an appeal brief filed before the effective date of September 13, 2004 fails to comply with the content and format requirements of § 1.192 and the Office mails appellant a Notice that correction is required, would an amended appeal brief filed on or af FAQ No