United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 28 August 2007

                      New Mailing Address for Submitting
                       Patent Maintenance Fee Payments

   Beginning on August 27, 2007, payments and correspondence that are sent
by U.S. Postal Service first-class mail to pay a U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO) patent maintenance fee should be mailed to: U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, P. O. Box 979070, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. The U.S.
Department of the Treasury's Financial Management Service, which oversees
the maintenance fee lockbox for the USPTO, recently notified the USPTO that
the lockbox would be transferred.

   Patent maintenance fee payments and related correspondence received at
the old lockbox address (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 371611,
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-7279) will be forwarded to the new St. Louis, MO
address by an overnight delivery service through November 21, 2007. Payments
and correspondence received at the old lockbox address after November 21,
2007 will be returned to the sender.

   In addition, checks sent to the new St. Louis, MO address will be
converted into an electronic funds transfer (EFT). This means your check
will be copied and the account information will be used to electronically
debit your account for the amount of the check. The debit from your account
will usually occur within 24 hours, and will be shown on your regular
account statement.

   You will not receive your original check back. Your original check will
be destroyed and a copy will be maintained on file. If the EFT cannot be
processed for technical reasons, the copy will be processed in place of
your original check. If the EFT cannot be completed because of insufficient
funds, the transfer may be attempted up to two times.

   Patent maintenance fee payments submitted over the USPTO Internet at
www.uspto.gov using the credit card, USPTO deposit account, and electronic
funds transfer (EFT) payment methods are not affected by the change to the
mailing address.

   Questions regarding patent maintenance fees should be directed to the
Maintenance Fee Branch at (571) 272-6500. Questions regarding this notice
should be forwarded to Matthew Lee, Director of the Receipts Accounting
Division, Office of Finance, by e-mail at matthew.lee@uspto.gov or by fax
at (571) 273-6500 marked to the attention of Matthew Lee.

                                                            MICHELLE PICARD
                                                Director, Office of Finance