Use of a Post Card as a
                      Receipt for Trademark Papers Filed

   The Trademark Operation of the United States Patent and
Trademark Office (Office) has had a long-standing practice of providing
confirmation of the receipt of papers in the Office by way of return
receipt post cards. Specifically, a receipt for any filed paper may be
obtained by enclosing a self-addressed stamped post card identifying
the paper being filed. If the post card accurately describes the paper
being filed, the Office stamps the post card with the date of receipt
of the papers and returns the post card to the party who filed the
paper. See Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure Section

   Recently, the Office learned that the United States Postal
Service (USPS) will not accept for mailing a post card that contains a
postage meter date more than 10 days old. In many cases by the time the
Office receives the filed papers and is ready to mail the confirming
post card, the 10 days have expired. Accordingly, it is possible that
many of our customers are not receiving their confirmation post cards.

   Upon learning of this problem, the Office has attempted to
identify post cards with old dates and apply new postage to these cards
so that our customers would continue to receive the proper confirmation
that their papers were received. However, this practice is
time-consuming and is not the most effective way to proceed.
Accordingly, please be advised that the Office will discontinue this
practice of applying new postage to post cards with an old date within
30 days of the date of this Notice.

   Therefore, to ensure that our customers receive confirmation
post cards, customers should either: purchase already stamped post
cards from the USPS, as these are undated, or if a postage meter is
used, not date the meter postmark and follow the instructions in
the postage meter license agreement regarding prepay reply postage.

March 30, 2001                                               ANN H. CHASSER
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks