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Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT)

U.S. Resident Inventors and Their Utility Patents
Breakout by State Regional Component

Count of 2000 - 2015 Inventors and Their Patents
As Distributed By Calendar Year of Patent Grant

- Explanation of Data -

Inventors Residing In


And a Rank Ordered Listing of the Inventor Residence
Locations by Regional Component (e.g., County)

( inventor residence corresponds to residence at the time of grant )
( an inventor having multiple patents is counted multiple times, once for each patent )
( A single patent with multiple inventors is counted multiple times, once for each inventor )
( counts may not sum exactly due to rounding - see Explanation of Data )

This table displays regional components (e.g., counties) of the profiled area and counts of resident inventors and their utility patents; counts are distributed by year of patent grant.
FIPS Code Mail Code State or Territory Regional Area Component 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
25017 MA MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex County 3978 4368 4313 4808 4750 4113 5314 4590 5023 5296 7156 7557 8601 10145 10679 10959 101647
25021 MA MASSACHUSETTS Norfolk County 1031 1162 1049 1204 1061 939 1160 1096 1090 1099 1498 1565 1797 1907 2121 2162 21941
25025 MA MASSACHUSETTS Suffolk County 759 808 835 927 925 797 1023 931 1040 1045 1432 1520 1787 2243 2324 2568 20961
25027 MA MASSACHUSETTS Worcester County 888 866 874 950 968 823 1111 1028 1049 1193 1511 1554 1708 1955 2017 2079 20570
25009 MA MASSACHUSETTS Essex County 706 839 850 957 938 816 976 830 866 958 1315 1228 1398 1601 1581 1727 17586
25005 MA MASSACHUSETTS Bristol County 313 305 348 321 419 278 434 350 311 286 424 589 591 567 546 599 6681
25023 MA MASSACHUSETTS Plymouth County 190 214 206 217 177 169 193 211 166 227 316 329 306 367 387 419 4094
25013 MA MASSACHUSETTS Hampden County 155 224 264 208 145 156 213 146 148 168 137 128 151 187 189 233 2849
25015 MA MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire County 64 95 102 81 64 73 107 82 73 95 117 115 167 167 156 152 1708
25001 MA MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable County 85 94 68 71 77 64 88 89 87 72 89 96 124 100 154 148 1506
25003 MA MASSACHUSETTS Berkshire County 67 60 56 50 42 28 44 41 32 66 64 54 42 67 62 70 845
25011 MA MASSACHUSETTS Franklin County 13 26 22 29 14 5 30 27 12 27 25 24 29 33 38 39 393
25007 MA MASSACHUSETTS Dukes County 6 9 4 2 9 4 8 2 4 3 11 6 8 5 7 8 96
25019 MA MASSACHUSETTS Nantucket County 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 2 0 17
25000 MA MASSACHUSETTS Undetermined County 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
ALL ALL ALL U.S. STATES/REGIONS ALL AREA COMPONENTS 8254 9071 8992 9826 9589 8265 10702 9425 9903 10537 14094 14766 16710 19343 20261 21163 200901

PTMT Contacts

Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMT
P.O Box 1450
Alexandria VA 22313-1450

tel: (571) 272-5600
fax: (571) 273-0110

address of PTMT pages at the USPTO Web Site:
selected PTMT files available for download at :


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