Electronic Official Gazette - Patents (eOG:P)

Patent Help - Electronic Official Gazette - Patents (eOG:P) - Basics

No. The eOG:P contains a section called "Patent and Trademark Office Notices." In that section, each week, the following information is published:

  • Expired Patents: Patents that expire due to failure to pay required maintenance fees. These patent numbers are published approximately 3 months after expiration.
  • Patents Reinstated: Patents reinstated due to the acceptance of a late maintenance fee.
  • Reissue Applications: Patents filed as reissues.
  • Reexams: Patents requested to be reexamined .
  • Certificates of Correction: Patents granted certificates to correct previously published material.
  • Summaries of final decisions issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

    In addition to the information published in the section entitled Patent & Trademark Office Notices, the following is also published in the eOG:P:

    • Errata: Correction of erroneous previously published material.
    • Service by Publication: Notification to cancel a trademark registration within 30 days, pending appearance of a registrant, assignee, or legal representative.
    • Registration to Practice: Names of individuals who have received provisional recognition to prepare and prosecute patent applications.
    • Notices from the Solicitor's Office: Notices to the public regarding changes and updates in Patent rules and regulations and/or other patent-related items.
    • Reclassification Reports: Lists newly established, deleted, or reclassified classes & subclasses, revised every 3 months.
    • Other Miscellaneous information of interest to the public.