United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 27 April 2004
Date Type of Proceeding Issued Case (1) or App'n No. Party/Parties 3-23 CANC 92030340 Longevity Network, Ltd. v. Joel D. Wallach 3-23 OPP 91125770 Stellar Technologies, Inc. v. Kenneth Dale Bristow Opposer's/ Applicant's/ Petitioner's Respondent's TTAB Mark and Mark and Issue Decision Goods/Services Goods/Services 2(d) Petition "LONGEVITY" "AMERICAN to Cancel [nutritional LONGEVITY" Granted supplements, [nutritional health and beauty supplements aids, and video for people] and audio casset- tes in the field of nutrition] 2(d) Opposition "STELLAR "STELLAR Dismissed TECHNOLOGIES" TECHNOLOGIES" (for failure and "STELLAR (and design) to prove TECHNOLOGIES" [products with standing (and design) the ability, and [both marks for electronically or priority) components for mechanically, to implantable heart locate, acquire pacemakers and and transduce defibrillators] sources of energy through electronic circuits and gear assemblies, namely, photovol- taic modules, battery chargers, electric invert- ers, electronic pulse generators, and frequency detectors] Mark and Citable as Goods Cited by Precedent Examining Atty. of TTAB No No (1)EX=EX PARTE APPEAL; OPP=OPPOSITION; CANC=CANCELLATION; CU=CONCURRENT USE; (SJ)=SUMMARY JUDGMENT; (R)=REQ. FOR RECONSIDERATION; (MD)=MOTION TO DISMISS; (MR)=MOTION TO REOPEN