Date Type of Proceeding Issued Case (1) or App'n No. Party/Parties 8-9 CANC 24,959 OK Toys, Inc. v. Youfu Kou Chao Industrial Co., Ltd. 8-10 OPP 104,398 Thomas D. Mills v. Yvonne R. Sewall Opposer's/ Applicant's/ Petitioner's Respondent's TTAB Mark and Mark and Issue Decision Goods/Services Goods/Services 2(d) Petition "OK TOYS" "OK" to Cancel (and design) (and design) Granted [toys] [toys, namely, building blocks] 2(d) Opposition "MAX'S KANSAS "MAX'S KANSAS [priority Dismissed CITY" CITY" of use] [CD-ROMs, [CD-ROMs, phonograph phonograph records, audio and records, audio and video cassette video cassette tapes, and compact tapes, and compact discs, featuring discs, featuring music and lyrics, music and lyrics, poetry, taped poetry, taped interviews, photo- interviews, photo- graphs, narratives graphs, narratives and documentaries, and documentaries, about music and about music and art; t-shirts and art; t-shirts and jackets; bar and jackets; bar and restaurant restaurant services] services] Mark and Citable as Goods Cited by Precedent Examining Atty. of TTAB No No (1)EX=EX PARTE APPEAL; OPP=OPPOSITION; CANC=CANCELLATION; CU=CONCURRENT USE; (SJ)=SUMMARY JUDGMENT; (R)=REQ. FOR RECONSIDERATION; (MD)=MOTION TO DISMISS; (MR)=MOTION TO REOPEN